Why Now

Modern medicine is filled with stories of fights that seemed unwinnable - until we won. Just as previous generations defeated polio and smallpox, we're creating our own legacy: a future without Alzheimer's disease.

Stopping an Epidemic

Here's why Alzheimer's research is so important:

why now infogrpahic

*source: Alzheimer's Association. Alzheimer's Disease Facts & Figures

The facts are startling, but we can change them. By joining the Alzheimer’s Prevention Registry, you have the power to help make it happen.

Scientists are Doing their Part

We've learned a tremendous amount about Alzheimer's in just the past decade.

  • We now have a much better idea of how disease develops and how it progresses.

  • We're learning more about genes, lifestyle and other factors that influence whether or not someone develops Alzheimer's.

  • We're even learning about how it might be prevented.

Because of these new insights, researchers are now launching a wave of new Alzheimer's prevention trials. But right now, 80 percent of studies are delayed because too few people sign up to participate.

Can We Count on You?

That's where you come in -- when you join the Registry, we'll connect you with studies that need participants like you. You are under no obligation to join any studies, of course, and your information will remain safe and secure.

Learn more about how the Registry works and why it's so important to join.

Advance the research.  Support the scientists.  Spread the word. Join the Registry.