
Supporting Memory in Late Life - Stonybrook, NY

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Fluency in English
  • Normal or corrected-to-normal hearing and vision
  • No history of a variety of neurological disorders known to impact cognitive functioning
  • No current use of medications known to impact cognitive functioning
  • Willing to attend study sessions in Stony Brook, NY

About the Study:

The aim of this research study is to investigate techniques that older adults can use benefit the performance of memory tasks into late life. 

Researchers will use a variety of computerized and paper-and-pencil tasks to determine when and how different techniques can benefit memory performance.


The goal of this research is to better understand strategies and supports that may benefit the performance of memory tasks, as well as characterize individual differences in the extent of benefit obtained via the use of such strategies.

What is Involved:

This research involves attending 1 to 2 in-person experiment session(s) at Stony Brook University. Participants will meet with a researcher from the Cognitive Aging and Memory Lab and complete a variety of computerized memory tasks and/or paper-and-pencil measures. 

Participants may be eligible to take part in multiple studies depending on interest and eligibility. 

The study does not involve medications or invasive procedures. Participants will receive monetary compensation for their time.

Up to 4 hours (maximum of 2 hours per study visit)
Up to 2 visits
Study Type:
Studies for People with Memory Impairment; Studies for People without Memory Impairment